Rise of Agon Legal Info

Read the Rise of Agon legal documentation below including our terms of service, privacy policy, and EULA. Have any questions? Contact our support team.

Community Terms of Service

Welcome to the Rise of Agon community, we’re happy to have you! Toxic Rain Studios LLC provides you with the opportunity to interact with fellow fans via this forum to share stories, adventures and discussions.

Herein this document “You” will be defined as any user accessing the Rise of Agon community elements, whether as a registered user or otherwise. “We” shall be defined as Toxic Rain Studios LLCand their affiliates throughout.

The Rise of Agon forums are intended to provide a positive atmosphere for the community. The terms of service below outline what we expect from you when participating in the community. The following terms are not exhaustive in their outline and may not address each situation. Thus the moderators and staff employed by Toxic Rain Studios LLC will have full discretion to address any situation that they feel is out of step with the spirit of the terms of service.

Your access to the community (defined as any facet of the Rise of Agon services) is not guaranteed under any circumstance and may be terminated at any time for any reason. You do not have the right to be informed of the reason. Toxic Rain Studios LLC reserves the right to remove any content at any time for any reason. All content posted to community assets shall become a protected asset of Toxic Rain Studios LLC whereupon they reserve the right to modify, delete, retain, or share with first or third party partners at their discretion.

Terms of Service

This community service enables you to participate in the forums on various game-related topics or off-topic conversations. You acknowledge and agree that if you submit any content to the forums, you will be solely responsible for such content. Toxic Rain Studios LLC will not be liable in any way for any such content submitted.

Rules of Conduct

  • It is not permitted to use language or provide any type of link to a source that contains images or languages which promote ethnic or racial hatred. This includes racial or ethnic slurs and symbols with the intent to cause hatred.
  • It is prohibited to use language or link to websites which could contain violent or sexual content. This includes any form of pornography.
  • It is prohibited to use language or link to websites that clearly have the intent to violate another community member in a way that is not related to the gaming environment.
  • It is prohibited to communicate the same phrase, picture, slur, idea or statement in an excessive manner(spam). This includes making topics to cause unrest within the community. Please be constructive. Moderators will be at full discretion in these matters.
  • It is prohibited to use language or link to websites that contain content that insult any type of sexual preference or identification.
  • It is prohibited to use language or link to websites that clearly have the intent to violate the Toxic Rain Studios LLC Staff in any negative way.
  • It is prohibited to impersonate any staff member or employee of Toxic Rain Studios LLC.
  • It is prohibited to use language or link to websites that portray any type of religion, religious groups, countries or regions in a negative manner.
  • It is prohibited to disclose personal information about other community members or staff, such as phone numbers and photo’s, if you do not have the explicit rights to disclose such information.
  • It is prohibited to use language or links to websites that contain illegal substances and illegal activities, with the inclusion of websites that contain malicious content that may cause harm to other community member’s mediums.
  • The moderation staff has the right to remove any avatar or signature if they deem it is inappropriate to our community.
  • It is prohibited to link to or discuss about hacks, malicious software, cracks, cheats or keygens applications or systems. This includes material that is copyrighted.
  • The primary forum language is English. No exceptions.
  • These guidelines are not fully inclusive. Our staff upholds the right to terminate access or warn users if they deem their actions are impropriate and not within the spirit of these terms and our company.
  • Toxic Rain Studios LLC. holds the right to add or change any rule(s) without prior notice. These terms apply on all our community tools including but not limited to our official forums, Facebook, YouTube channel and any other official social media/community websites or services. By using our tools you are in agreement with these terms. Even if you did not read them.
  • The terms of use will be upheld through an infraction system. If the user reaches a high enough infraction amount, it could lead to a permanent ban from our forums. Please uphold these Terms of Use to avoid possible infractions.

This policy is not all inclusive and is not language restrictive. The moderation staff reserves the right to take any action they deem necessary on a case by case basis to keep the community within our intended target of acceptability.

The forum logs all internet protocol addresses on connection which are visible to administrative staff and may be given to proper law enforcement entities when appropriate. All email addresses entered into our database are held solely by Toxic Rain Studios LLC and will not be shared, sold, or made available to any third party except in the case where a law enforcement entity may require it. If you do not want your information made public please utilize the forum software functions to hide your email address. Users will be held accountable for all material posted and all actions taken from their host.

We may contact you via email from time to time if you give us permission to do so within your user profile. The forums will in many cases automatically send content to your email address unless you specifically forbid it via your user profile. Toxic Rain Studios LLC is not responsible for the content located in many of these automated emails.

By utilizing any Toxic Rain Studios LLC related service you fully agree to abide by all aforementioned terms. Toxic Rain Studios LLC reserves the right to modify these terms at any time without prior notice.

Toxic Rain Studios LLC and its affiliates may not be responsible for content or opinions express in their forums. Opinions posted by staff members may not always reflect those of Toxic Rain Studios LLC or its affiliates.