Rise of Agon Legal Info

Read the Rise of Agon legal documentation below including our terms of service, privacy policy, and EULA. Have any questions? Contact our support team.

The team at Big Picture Games takes player conduct very seriously and we are committed to providing our community an amazing gaming experience. This requires not only a game that is exciting and fun to play, but one where all players feel welcome and can expect a fair playing field against others. The following is our Code of Conduct for Rise of Agon which applies to any and all players of the game. We recommend players get familiar with this policy as it will be strongly enforced by our team.


Suspensions will be placed on accounts that have violated any article(s) of our Terms of Service, EULA, or Terms of Sale. Suspensions range from 3 days to 2 weeks and occur after a player has received an initial warning.

Permanent bans are lasting and final. They are verified prior to execution and apply to serious violations such as hacking, cheating, or using any modified version of game code. Players can also receive permanent bans for multiple violations of the Code of Conduct.

The following outlines the penalties players will incur for breaking the Code of Conduct:

  • 1st Offense - Warning
  • 2nd Offense - 3 day ban
  • 3rd Offense - 7 day ban
  • 4th Offense - 14 day ban
  • 5th Offense - Permanent ban

Note that some offenses, depending on their severity, may be issued a longer suspension from the start. 


This list covers some of the activities that break our Terms of Service, EULA, or Terms of Sale and will cause a penalty to be incurred.


Any activity that is included in our "What is Considered Exploiting?" thread is an action that will incur a penalty. Major offenses may warrant a permanent ban.

Offensive or Inappropriate Chat

We will not tolerate language that is abusive, offensive or highly inappropriate. This includes posting inappropriate websites or links to malicious software or hacks. Players who send messages that meet these standards will incur a penalty outside of any chat mute that occurs.

Hacking or Using 3rd Party Software

Players who utilize any hack or 3rd party software that provides unfair advantages will be permanently banned on their first offense.