Greetings Agonians,
Last week we patched several fixes, the website had technical problems so the patch notes were not posted on time, if you missed it the details are below
- Camping is now much more user friendly
- Bug caused by crashing in a mob spawn addressed
- Enchanting gems should now work correctly
- Runebook labels return
There were also hotfixes done on the weekend following the patch. However the aim of today's news is to share more information about upcoming features we are testing.
Upcoming Features WIP
Consumables Tab
We are very happy with how the consumables tab is turning out and have plans to expand on this idea. This bank tab is able to store all consumables and gives you the ability to withdraw much quicker than before.
With better tools to organize the bank this should reduce the time players spend sorting, time that could be spent doing things that you enjoy instead.
Waypoint Improvements
We've heard many great ideas on this one and we love the concepts. Originally we had the distance from the waypoint displayed but at time of recording this was disabled. The waypoint we are currently testing works by using a key while aiming at a location up to 100 m away, the icon is a placeholder.
We will definitely look to improve signal systems for quickly relaying information on the battlefield further.
Well that's all for now next week we'll show more WIP features like these, let us know what you think in the discussion thread.
BPG Team