Greeting Agonians,
New Polls System!
Small update today that the new polling section is complete. We will likely polish this over time and add more functionality but the basic polling area is ready. With the Community Patches focus we will need a good regular polling area that we can use to quickly gather feedback. Building this in game was more cumbersome so we decided to build it on the website and link it in with accounts. Any accounts that have made any purchases through our store for coins or game time are eligible to vote, even a $5 US package of 50 tokens is enough to unlock the ability to vote on accounts. All questions must be answered, you can skip ones if you wish and votes cannot be changed once submitted so please make sure to consider your votes ahead of time! For a vote to pass it will require 60-70% depending on the poll. Polls both active and past can be viewed here: and we will be adding a link on the websites top toolbar. Anytime you to go to homepage there will be a pop-up if there are any active polls available with a link to it, we'll add in pop-ups on the forums and see about in-game notifications on new polls as well.

First Official Poll
For our first official poll on the new platform we have put up all the topics for a Combat Revert players had asked for in our Livestream and over the past couple weeks since our last combat patch in October. We held a vote on the forums to see the opinions on combat and the results are here: CP Combat Discussion. As promised on the live stream to honour our commitment to Community Patches and giving the players more of a hand in the future of the game we'll vote on key issues raised. Players voted heavily in favour of a revert of combat with cherry picking ideas and that's where our first poll comes in. There's over 20 questions to break down the specifics of what pieces of combat changes are to be kept, anything that receives over 60% will be kept in the game, everything else will be reverted back to original. If players desire we can continue to make combat tweaks and vote on them periodically. We'll put up polls periodically based on feedback and our monthly live stream is where we'll do most of our Q&A.
Please Don't Stop the Music!
Seeing everyone having a blast and enjoying the free period currently going on we've decided to give one final extension to Monday November 19th! Grab your clan mates and friends, spread the word and let's keep the bang going on in game! Activity levels have more than tripled recently due to the positive community response and free period, let's keep it going as clans gear up planning where they are going to take control of in the new Territory Control 1.0 in development! Do you want to try to fight among the biggest and baddest in the land? Or try to scoop up more land that isn't contested? Choose now and plan your allies well...
-The Team at Big Picture Games